Ever since my daughter was born I had and have so much fun knitting for her - and for other babies, now toddlers.
Whenever I took some of my work to our knit meetings I got questions about and requests for the patterns. So what do I do? I write them down, of course!
All in all there will be 10 designs in the first book, ranging in sizes from about 6 months to 4 years. As you know, kids are small people and people come in all different shapes and sizes, so the age labeling is more a suggestion than set in stone. If possible, measure your recipient and go from there, if not, knit a size larger just to be sure! If one thing is certain, it's that they'll grow into it in no time.
As of now (May 2010) I am working on the fourth pattern, a boy's cardigan called Shishiza, which is "lion" in Japanese and a play on "Leo", which is my youngest nephew's name.
To let you know a bit more about what else is coming, here's a list of the 10 planned (and partially published) designs:
1. "Lili Kimono" (girl) - published and available
2. "Gilet de Tricot" (boy) - published and available
3. "Toddler Tee" (girl) - published and available
4. "Shishiza Cardigan" (boy)
5. "Birthday Beanie and Hat" (girl)
6. "Allison Cardigan" (girl)
7. "Velvet Yoke" (preliminary name, a girl's top)
8. "Skaterboy" (boy's sweater in layered look)
9. "Purpleneck" (girl's turtleneck sweater)
10. "Pretty Flowers" (girl's tunic with flower embellishments)
There's also a variation on the Kimono to come, the "Lili Vest", which will be an extension to the existing pattern. The order from number 6 on is random, there might be some changes to the succession of the publication of the patterns.
You might have realized that none of my designs is particularly 'baby-ish'. I have gotten more than one request to up-size designs to 'grown up' sizes, which in return confirms my belief that wearable and cute knitwear design doesn't have to be restricted to any stage of life. In fact, the designs are what I would wear myself, were it not for certain body type issues!
I hope you enjoyed this little preview - I will keep you up to date with the progress of single desing publication and once it is figured out the publication date of the BOOK!

(This post is available infinitely as a separate page.)